Rail Movement Planner™ is a real-time train scheduling and traffic planning system, built from railroad expertise to bring further productivity and efficiency to your operation.
Only a few seconds are needed to devise an effective train traffic plan in real time.

Highly flexible solution, applicable to any kind of railroad from simple to high complexity networks

Fully functional integration to any operations center legacy systems ensuring updated and critical information regarding train circulation.

Developed in Brazil with state-of-the-art technology and input from accomplished railroad experts

Structured, constant version updates always striving for the most adherent solution for the market

24/7 support and maintenance services available whenever you need them

Training to all involved personnel providing better use of the solution

Operations support
Constant support to decision-making through operational scenario simulation in real time.
Productivity gains
Better network regularity with expressive returns on energy efficiency and productivity.
Efficiency with adherence to the business
Effective and efficient railroad traffic plans aligned to the business’ demands and needs.
Standardized traffic planning
More effective automated plans allow lessened variance in decision-making, standardizing the planning process.
Simulation support for investment decisions
Through simulation and new operational data usage, investment scenarios can be evaluated before implementing new procedures and spending more capital.
Your team well trained
From the massive amount of information processed by the solution, numerous training options emerge to foster productivity and detect best practices.
Proven results

Greater ability to react to any operational scenarios in perfect adherence with business’ needs

Increased average speeds with more efficient traffic plans

Improved energy efficiency, minimizing meet-and-pass delays and stoppage

Higher productivity in all operation types and situation, promoting better loading and unloading times as well as maintenance allocation

Better network regularity with more predictable arrivals and departures