February 5th, 2020

High Density Railroad: How to amass value to your operation?

Among numerous types of railway operation, high-density networks are highly regarded due to its colossal throughput and intense traffic. Such severe asset usage increases its wear, calling for further maintenance and stoppage.

However, due to its great circulation, each stop or intervention in the cargo flow presents severe repercussions in the entire operation. Therefore, it becomes imperative to plan and execute traffic plans in a regular and precise manner in order to minimize such losses that may add up to millions of dollars.

In a perfect world, heavy haul would be uninterrupted, continuously delivering ore from mine to port, without need for stoppage or incidents that affect rhythm – much like a conveyor belt. However, assets require maintenance, and their wear leads to inefficiencies that can add up and cause ever increasing impacts on production.

Rail Movement Planner™ has the role of ensuring network regularity remains at a high level, enabling standardized and optimized reactions to protect the railway’s productivity. It also becomes instrumental in coordinating maintenance demands with minimal impact in traffic management.

By intensifying the railway’s asset usage, Rail Movement Planner™ makes every km of installed tracks is used to its maximum capacity, enhancing train circulation by lessening delays and improving throughput. Compared with infrastructure investments, Rail Movement Planner™ presents minimal implementation costs, even though it presents expandable gains, applied in the entirety of the operation.

Asset maximization with productivity increase. This is Rail Movement Planner™. Contact us for a demo or trial in your network!

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™ Registered Trademark at Brazil, United States, Australia, United Kingdom and the European Union

Rail Movement Planner is endorsed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) and the Brazilian Agency for Innovation (FINEP, Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos), through the 2017/20520-0 grant, for Commercial Development of Rail Movement Planner and its component Meta-Planning Engine in the global market.

All opinions, assumptions and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this site are sole responsibility of Rail Movement Planner, unrelated in any manner with FAPESP or FINEP.
