Manage terminal queues and reduce train stoppage!
One of the core problems present at rail networks is preventing train queueing – and avoiding unnecessary train stoppage.
Locomotives on hold, loading and unloading delays, impacts on crew overtime and its subsequent costs are some of the concerns of an Operations Center, aside from overseeing production and keeping other areas informed.
Even though queueing is avoided at all cost, the possibility is always present, demanding intense operational work so that its impacts are kept at bay. In this context, Rail Movement Planner™ presents itself as a specialized solution for managing not only railroad traffic but also train queueing in terminals.
The Rail Movement Planner™ answer: smart planning
With its intuitive graphic interface, RMP allows the Operations Center to analyze potential train queueing, aside from automatically suggesting train priorities and speed reductions through the network so that stoppage is prevented as well as handling other operational inefficiencies – all in real time.
Thanks to easy planning display in the solution’s electronic train graph, controllers can analyze future scenarios and make decisions more assertively with an optimized perspective for the entire business.
For each analysis of terminal status and queueing potential, RMP takes into account several variables such as wagon weight, locomotive’s power, estimated loading/unloading time, and eventual maintenance stoppage among others, so that the provided plan prevents unnecessary stoppage and, subsequently, expenses.
But what about disruptions?
Even highly optimized operations are subject to unexpected incidents – either related to the tracks or train performance. In such cases, Rail Movement Planner™ also supports all affected teams!
Aside from improving the impacts such problems cause, the solution assists in determining plans to minimize these repercussions – aiding both maintenance and operation.
Furthermore, the tool is always aware of how terminals are performing, absorbing information dynamically and displaying it to all who require. Thus, it is no longer necessary to constantly warn queueing or delays since the liable persons can preemptively organize themselves as they are informed in real time.
The railroad is a living organism and cannot stop, and this is where Rail Movement Planner™ comes in: organizing the rail network in the best possible way, avoiding queueing and train stoppage.
To know more about Rail Movement Planner™ or schedule a demo of the solution in your Operations Center, contact us!