February 13th, 2020

Rail Movement Planner™ at AusRAIL PLUS 2019

This past December, from the 3rd to the 5th, Rail Movement Planner™ attended AusRAIL PLUS 2019, set in Sydney, Australia. Our booth was situated in the ICC Sydney’s main hall and presentations were conducted by Luís Elesbão de Oliveira Neto, our president, and Plínio Vilela, R&D consultant. AusRAIL is the greatest railroad industry event in the southern hemisphere and counted with over 5 thousand attendees from 32 countries. 

There was no shortage of opportunities to showcase RMP’s features and recent improvements, such as the new dark interface, as well as to present a panel on innovative planning techniques. We thank everyone that honored our participation!

Also, from May 2nd to the 3rd, 2020, Rail Movement Planner™ will attend ASLRRA Connections, taking place in Grapevine, Texas, presenting our RMP solution. Come visit us! 

™ Registered Trademark in Brazil, Australia and the European Union

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™ Registered Trademark at Brazil, United States, Australia, United Kingdom and the European Union

Rail Movement Planner is endorsed by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) and the Brazilian Agency for Innovation (FINEP, Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos), through the 2017/20520-0 grant, for Commercial Development of Rail Movement Planner and its component Meta-Planning Engine in the global market.

All opinions, assumptions and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this site are sole responsibility of Rail Movement Planner, unrelated in any manner with FAPESP or FINEP.
